Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday update...but probably not the one you're waiting for

Sorry to keep you all waiting on the much anticipated calorie expenditure information. I wore the heart rate monitor and watch yesterday while doing housework (I like to know how many calories ALL activities burns). I got a lot done, and I think I burned around 400 calories in 4 hours (not as much as I had hoped). DH got home, we were watching a movie on TV, then moved to watch it in bed, and while getting ready for bed I took the heart rate strap off...DH was sorely disappointed. Poor guy. I just wasn't in the mood after all the housework I had done.

Anyway, today I went back to the chiropractor for some more adjustments. Wowser, it was a doozy. I was explaining to the chiro that the pain had moved from primarily the left side of my neck to the right, and also was having low back pain now. So he goes to adjust my upper back by having me lay on my side with my arms crossed and the top leg over the other, then he pushes (squashes) you in the opposite direction. OMG, I thought I had been twisted in half...not good. Then he flipped me over on my stomach to hurt me some more, but my back was too tight so he had my flip back over on my back with my arms crossed over my shoulders...with his fist in my back all the while doing a wrestling take down move (putting all his body weight on me). Seriously, it knocked the breath out of me...I felt like I had been sucker punched in the stomach...I seriously had thoughts of my spleen being ruptured or something. Then he sends me to get a little massage (read: torture) on my very sore neck, and the girl is trying to get blood from a turnip. I have a high pain tolerance, and I was having to do deep breathes in order to not cry out. Then when I finally do tell her it really hurts (aka, please don't do it so hard ), she says "ya, that part does hurt huh"...and keeps doing the same thing. MERCY! All in all, it was the most traumatic visit to the chiropractor that I have ever had and I'm still not feeling any better, in fact I feel worse (no wonder huh).

Despite all that I went immediately to the gym ( I was feeling okay at that point because it was still fairly early in the morning....the pain gets worse as the day goes on). Anyway, I got my weights done and moved on to cardio. Today it took me 31 minutes to get to the "training effect" of 5.0 . I wanted to stop at about minute 18...but I think at that point I was only at 3.7, and I couldn't in good conscience stop there, then come blog about such a pathetic workout. So I pushed determined to get to a 5 (even when the machine stopped at 30 minutes because that is all I had programmed it for), I was at a 4.9 at 30 minutes, and I knew I just needed to do one more "sprint" to get to the 5.0. See, this is where the watch really comes in handy. There is no way I would have pushed myself like that without the watch. In fact, I probably would have stopped at 20 minutes. I think what the watch is doing is factoring in that your body adapts to the level of exercise you consistently do, so you have to keep doing more of it in order to get the same amount of effect. Anyway, there was an older lady waiting for a machine behind me ( I had told her I was about done), and then another older lady next to me says, "this girl (me) has so much energy...she was running up that thing". I thought that was funny. I was doing 40 second sprints at level 12 on the stairmill..which literally makes you run up the stairs.

So, my workout stats from today (although my watch is still running and I've totaled 1746 calories in the 9:07 hours I've had it on)

Calories burned during workout: 710 ( a new record for me)
Workout time: 1:03
Training effect: 5.0
Oh, I just discovered that the watch has moved me up to an "activity class" of 7.5...this might explain why it was harder to reach the TE of 5.0 today
Also just discovered that my resting heart rate is around 64
Eating has been right on today, so I feel good about that. We'll see how the rest of the week goes.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Eesh, I need that watch!