Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Storytelling a la Maree

On the way to our big "fishing" trip, Maree told us MANY stories!! Not enough emphasis can be placed on MANY, since we were in the car for about 1.5 hours. Here is one I captured on video. I couldn't edit it, as my editing program kept crashing...the funniest part is at the end in my opinion.

Who knew Jesus had big teeth.


Anonymous said...

LOL! I love it. Ok, so I couldn't understand the beginning but definitely got the Jesus part. Yes, he's strong, and I love her description of his teeth. Hilarious. Who knew?

Pilates Works 4 Life said...

Hi Kristin! Thanks for stopping by my Pilates/Health site. I welcome your input. Fantastic-you are being Pilates trained! I'm excited for you. I think it's wonderful that you are beginning at a young age. How I wish I had known about it 30 years ago.

I love your blog. So expect to hear from me on your blog wall.

Your little girl is definitely going to be in the front of some audience most of her life. She's a doll. I love the long and big teeth on Jesus. The Bible does tell us He was not the best looking guy; perhaps she's is not too far off.

Would love to keep in touch with you on your Pilates journey.
Ellen Marie

Pilates Works 4 Life said...

Hey KristEn. I thought I'd get the spelling right this time.

I just read over BASI's history, etc. Enjoyed. Sounds good. I've heard of Rael but never really read up on his method. He made a point that I have contended for a long time: if Joe were alive today, he would be in agreement with some of the changes. Ok, no more details. Just wanted to say hooray to you again.

Kristen said...

Ellen Marie, thanks so much for coming over to say hi! I've heard really good things about BASI pilates, and Rael's Pilates book (which I just got) is amazing, and his videos are like none I've ever seen. Where I live there are not a lot of Pilates studios (2 I think), and the one I go to only does BASI style Pilates. I've thoroughly enjoyed it, and the owner is the one hosting the BASI training, so it works out great. Otherwise, I probably never would have gotten certified...just wasn't on my radar.

Yes, little Maree is a HAM! She LOVES putting on acts and performing for whomever will listen and watch.
I'm going to put you on my blogroll so I can find you faster ;)

Lindsay said...

oh, my, goodness! Funny and so adorable. I love how she says the word "after" (afta) :) It's amazing to me how girls can talk, and talk, and talk. I'm already seeing it with Anna....always a running commentary going on with her!

inWorship said...


She has so much personality, your going to love the teen years :)

rk said...

So cute! Found you via In Progress.

Great blog.

Roxanne Kristina