Monday, July 28, 2008

Hint hint

If you've followed this blog for any length of time (I think that would make 2 of you), then you know that my dear husband tends to buy me things if I mention that I want them. This takes out the "what do I buy my wife" conundrum that often overtakes men's minds when birthdays, Christmas, and other holidays are just around the corner. Sometimes he just can't help himself and he buys these things when there are no such holidays coming up.

Why do I mention this, you ask? To make a long story short, I have samples of this great product from Philosophy called Amazing Grace bath and shower gel. I really like the smell, even though it's not my all-time-favorite-shower-product-I've-ever-used. However, dear husband REALLY likes in bacon to a dog likes in cat to catnip likes it, as in lays in bed and sniffs my arm likes it. So honey, this is for you since you asked where you could buy it....

If you are going to buy it for me, which I would be eversoappreciativeof, then this is what I would love this or this or if you're quick...maybe this :)



Anonymous said...

Your "this" and "this" links don't work :-). Nice idea. I've seen that product before but don't know what it smells like. It seems like years ago Oprah had a big thing for their products.

Unknown said...

The links worked for me. You and Steve have an excellent system going.

Anonymous said...

It must have been me. I just tried them again and they were fine. Blogger issue I imagine (on my end).

Kristen said...

No, Kelly they didn't work, I fixed them :)

Steve said...

I feel so used....

Kristen said...

Used? What? Love I'm helping you remember that you like the smell A LOT so really it's a mutually beneficial gift.

Anonymous said...

Kristen's got a point, Steve. Hmmm, I really need to smell this stuff.

Steve 'n Marie said...

The links worked for me but I still couldn't smell the stuff...I suppose I'll have to consider upgrading my MSN account to include
the OlphactoryModule. It's hard to stay current.