Monday, July 7, 2008

"The Shack"

All I can say about the book "The Shack" is that it is a MUST READ. As in, get in your car, drive down to your local book store, and buy it immediately, do not delay!! I have never been so enthralled and uplifted by a book, ever. It is a book I want to read over and over, and I NEVER read books more than once. My advice though, is to NOT read the back of the book before reading it. I never read the back of books, but I would have been particularly disappointed if I had read the back of this one prior to reading just gave too much away in my opinion. But, you know, do what you want :)....just read it!! It's not a huge book, and will only take 5-6 hours to read. What are you waiting for, get in your car...seriously...quit reading blogs....gooooooooooo!!!!!


Lindsay said...

Yes, I have read it! I really loved it, too.

I am only on the 2nd Higgs book now :)

Tiffany said...

Quit reaching blogs?

Hi, my name is Tiffany and I'm a blog addict...

Tiffany said...

Reading...I mean reading.