Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tuesday tales

7 more sleeps until Christmas...as my kids would say. I'm so excited for Christmas and all the family festivities. Last night we took the kids out to look at Christmas lights, and it was so cute to here them ooooooing, and ahhhhhing over all the sparkly lights. Steve and I were getting a kick out of little Maree. Many of you have not heard her speak, but she sounds like she is from Boston, because she says "ah" for any r in a word. We probably messed her up from the start by naming her Maree, which is pronounced Mahree, not Marie. Anyway, we don't correct her because we think it's just cute, and plus she sounds just like her Nana who is from New Zealand. We ended up making a Costco run, and *GASP* we didn't buy a single thing! Granted I've been in there a lot lately and donated my fair share to the Costco fund, and last night we went in specifically looking for PSP games, to which we discovered they had mostly disappeared in the several days since I had been there last. We also stopped in at Dutch Bros
, and got some warm yummy drinks. It was just a great time. Tonight the kiddos are going to Grandma's house, and DH and I are going to try to get the rest of the Christmas shopping done. Mostly for the kids.... I'm going to have to tell DH he does NOT get to buy himself Christmas presents...even if he plans on wrapping them and putting them under the tree.

In workout related news. I've been doing Pilates, which has been great for my neck pain, but not as good for losing weight, or dropping body fat. I was going to a pilates mat class 2x a week. There were only 2 of us in the class (the studio just opened), and the other gal is rather old and has had multiple surgeries...wears a neck brace...you get the picture. So we were on complete opposite ends of the fitness/pilates spectrum, making it difficult for the instructor to give us both a good workout. I have also been doing private lessons on the big pilates machines. Although I get sore muscles from some of the various exercises, I was definitely not getting any sort of cardio, and really didn't feel challenged enough by it....that combined with trying to fit in my other workouts just wasn't working for me. So I told the pilates trainer that I needed a little more challenge, and decided to stop the mat class. On Friday she is going to test my bodyfat (eeks), and then give me a good workout on the machines (at least I hope), then I am going to do some interval cardio in her studio. She also does fitness training, weight loss classes, etc, so she has a nice little room with several cardio machines, weights, etc. Anyway, that way I don't have to be running from Pilates to the gym to get a good workout in. Today I'm shooting for a 5 on my watch at the gym. I haven't been to the gym since last Tuesday, so I'm looking forward to getting a great workout in.

Also, my Million Dollar Body coaches showcase pack is in the UPS truck on the way to my house as we speak, so I'm going to have a whole slew of new workouts to try. Also P90x+ has just come out, available only to MDB coaches for the next 2 weeks, then on sale to the general public. It looks like a GREAT program, and plus, my upline coach Traci Morrow is in the videos (she's in a lot of the Tony Horton videos), so that's fun.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Will says the "more sleeps" thing too :) Sounds like it was a fun Christmas outing!!