Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The pictures says it all....

Just thought I'd give you a snapshot of my watch right now. Top number 4:08 is how long I've had it on and running today. Middle number, 5.0, was my training effect while working out at the gym...it doesn't go any higher than 5.0. Bottom number is how many calories I've burned in the 4:08 hours. 600 of those calories were burned while at the gym. I really didn't want to go to the gym today, but now that I am advertising myself as a fitness coach of sorts, I feel a little more accountability and responsibility towards working out and eating right. I think if I wear my watch all day I burn a lot more calories because I've got this little motivator sitting on my wrist...If I just hop in place while waiting for the dinner to cook I can burn an extra 30 calories or whatever. If I run to the mailbox instead of walk, I can burn X amount more calories. It's really a great thing for me. Have I mentioned I love my watch???
FYI, I've burned 20 more calories since taking that picture :) and writing this blog.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome, Kristen! Proud of you!

ColeC said...

I hope you don't mind my commenting on your blog, but I noticed you were into fitness (body for life and such) and it seems like your blog is similar to mine and the others I blog with.

I need to get a watch like that one ;)

5Crawfords said...

I love it! I have been saying for months that I need a new watch for Africa. I have found it! Where do I buy one. LOVE your blog by the way. So cool!

5Crawfords said...
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5Crawfords said...

Okay, I'm new to this. I deleted the 2nd because I accidently posted it twice. But now it looks like I'm keeping secrets or something. What an idiot!

Kristen said...

Alisha, we got the watch online. It is a Suunto T4, but the T3 does just the same and is a little cheaper, the only difference between the T3 and T4 is that the T4 has a "coach" function and tells you when you should have rest days, how fitness level you should strive for each day etc. I never use that function.