Monday, September 3, 2007

Just an update

Well, first off I have to admit that the last few days have not been shining moments in clean eating. Free day was Friday, and I enjoyed it to the fullest. Saturday I got busy, starving, and ate 2 pieces of leftover pizza, then later had 2 oatmeal raisin cookies. The rest of the day was clean. Yesterday was clean eating until dinner at a friends house. It all started out well, but ended with some bread with olive oil, and homemade ice cream with a brownie. I'm not beating myself up about it though because to me, this is what life is about. Mostly good eating combined with the occasional indulgences that make life great. However, I did indulge more than I had planned, so I felt I needed to come clean with that :)

My arms and back are still really sore from my boxing adventures. Today I did a variation of the Turbulence Training at home. I had to modify because I didn't have all the proper equipment, and didn't think the gym's child care was open, so didn't want to go to the gym. I started with the jump rope and beat my own personal record of # of consecutive jumps (which was 261 yesterday), I got to 317 today. I don't know what my jump rate is, I should time it sometime, but I'm going pretty fast. Seems like I have much better form when I first start...before I start getting fatigued and losing form. Then I did squats with a exercise bands under my feet, and with each stand I did an overhead press. I did 20 of those, then chest presses with the exercise band and a 5 pounder in each hand, 20 of those. Rinse and repeat. Rest. Then I did push-ups with my feet on a fanner lifter (left over from my "The Firm" days) x 15, then hip extensions, rinse and repeat, rest. Then dips on the fanner lifter, and bulgarian squats. I don't think I repeated that one...they were both hard. Then I did some bird dogs and plank. Somewhere in there I also did some different squats with the exercise bands under my feet, but pulled through my legs in the back. I was trying to mimic a kettlebell exercise I saw. I thought it worked quite well. Then some more jump roping. Then I came in to do some boxing. My new best score for the punching bags in 1 minute is 25, that's 7 better than yesterday, woohooo. Anyway, I boxed for 20 minutes, and was sweating a ton. I think I will try to box tonight also just for some added calorie loss.
Today's eating is right on. So far I've had a breakfast sandwich (WW english muffin, 1 whole egg and 1 egg white poached, and 1 Morningstar breakfast patty), a canned turkey and broccoli casserole I made yesterday (which was amazingly tasty), 1/2 a cantaloupe, a PureFit protein bar, and a Enviga green tea drink. I'm looking forward to some cottage cheese and fresh tomatoes later, and may be having steak for dinner..not sure yet.

Oh, and just as a side note in case there are any other Wii people out there. I learned 2 nights ago that I bowl SO much better backwards..yep, I stand facing away from the TV hold the controller B button up and flick my wrist from pointing at the ground to the TV. I bowl so much straighter this way, however, out of 10 rounds, I left the 6 pin up 7 times I think...just the 6 pin... At least I was consistent I guess. Now if I could figure out how to adjust this to strike consistently, I'd be set :) My dear 6 year old son keeps asking me why I am only bowling backwards now.... mommy likes to WIN :)


Anonymous said...

You are so funny and you're working out much too much...I don't have time to post anything new...I gotta keep up with all that you're up to :-). We're in serious clean up/clean out mode today. I am truly nesting (minus the baby part) and I think I've been through every part of this house. Shane's hacking lilacs down in the back yard (with the chain saw--what guy doesn't thrive on that?). Love you...

Kristen said...

Well, when you're done with your house, I'll pay you $50 to come give my house a one over. I keep staring at the laundry basket of clean/folded clothes at the end of my is always there, always full, and drives me crazy. Yet, I don't put it away, I just stare at it with my evil eyes. As for the rest of the house, as long as the cupboards close, I figure I'm in good shape.....
Oh well, I'm off to Grandma's :)

Anonymous said...

I charge more than that! I am so excited (it's neurotic, I know) that every cupboard and closet has been gone through (well, except the kitchen but it's doing fine) and is organized...can't believe it! I even went through a couple keepsake rubbermade bins I have and threw out stuff I should have thrown out 13 years ago---like a Hawaii phone book from our honeymoon. I told you I was pathetic.