Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Getting serious

Although I worked out yesterday, I had decided not to start my serious clean eating until today because I still had so much junk in my house from all the holiday festivities. So last night we went to the grocery store around dinner time, and I was already starving, and the one thing that sounded good was Arby's chicken fingers and curly fries. DH readily agreed that this should by our final meal before jumping back on the proverbial band wagon. It was so good, and was followed up with a bunch of chocolate. So now I have that out of my system and am ready for the clean eating for the next several weeks (with free days mixed in of course).
My abs are quite sore from the 4 minute ab ripper 100 video yesterday. I'm actually pretty surprised at that!
Today I think I will try another Turbo Jam video...then DH and I are suppose to do cardio tonight, but we have a family dinner planned, then I was invited to a friends birthday party after that, so we'll see if DH will do it on his own. I'm thinking not, but I could be wrong.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Man, I can relate. Tonight I was grocery shopping around dinner time and decided on my way home that we needed Burgerville for dinner. And I haven't exercised since last Sat. cause my throat is killing me, and who wants to work out when you're sick? I'm promising myself that as soon as I feel better I'll get back on the wagon. I'm sure I'll have an extra couple pounds, but oh well. It does feel good to get it out of your system!! :)