Wednesday, August 29, 2007

After day 1 of TT

Well, it took me forever to figure out exactly HOW to do the sets/supersets etc, before I even attempted the actual exercises. I started with the warm-up and beginner workout, which seemed WAY to easy, and I didn't take any rests periods either. Then I went to go jump rope...did for about 2 minutes and for some reason I lost all motivation (plus I was getting some familiar shin splint pain). I think it was because I was just discombobulated. Like I had planned on going to the gym..then I had spent so much time trying to figure out this new routine...and because I didn't understand all of the exercises in the intermediate program, I just did the beginner (which was all stuff you can do from home). Later this evening I did do some more jump roping while watching a storm roll in with my daughter. After we take our little pool down I'm going to use the interlocking mats we have underneath it, and use that to jump rope on...much easier on the body!! I can say that my triceps are strangely sore, has to be from jumping rope yesterday like a crazy person. I'm getting better at it.
Also been tracking my calories for the last 2 days. I'm usually very anti calorie counting. It messes with my head. However, since the weight isn't coming off like I wanted/expected, I figured I would see what my intake was like. Well, it's a little lower than I think it should be. I was about 1300 yesterday and 1430 today..and the only reason I hit 1430 today was because I put everything into fitday before my last I added peanut butter to boost my calories a bit. So I figure if I'm creating a calorie deficit (which I definitely should be), but the fat still isn't coming off despite my workouts...then I must not be eating enough.
Why can't this be an exact science??

1 comment:

Sergei C. said...

I came across your blog while googling "turbulence training." I just bought the system about 10 days ago myself, and as of today have been following it for one week. I'd lost a lot of weight and put on a bit of muscle on my own over the last year and a half, but I've been absolutely stuck at the same weight/body fat level for months, so I'm trying this now. It took me a couple days to get into a rhythm when transitioning between the exercises. Now I just claim a corner of the gym, and lay out everything I'll need before I start. I have had to re-read most of the exercise descriptions after trying them, but after a week I think I'm in the swing of it. The jury is still out on how its going - its too soon to tell for me. Good luck with it!