It sits there staring at me in the shower, it watches me while I'm in the bathroom. It magically beckons the cat over while I'm standing on it and gets her to stand on it too, just to mess with my head. It estimates my body fat a full 7-8 % more that it really is. It's cold, it's cruel....I need to throw it out!! I have had my DH hide the thing before because I was getting too obsessive about it, then I spent about 1/2 an hour trying to find where he hid it. I've got issues! I've got a love hate relationship with the scale...mostly hate. Why I feel the need to stand on it nearly every morning..I don't know...maybe because I 'feel' skinnier. I get on it with high hopes, it tells me I'm number one (see picture), then reminds me of my age (yes, I just turned 30), then beeps several times while my hopes rise and rise, then kabamb, I'm a pound heavier than yesterday. What the?? I've been busting butt in the gym, my eating has been close to perfect.
As a side note, I avoid the scale like the plague when I'm "off the wagon".
The moral of my story, is stay off the scale (I'm trying to convince myself here). Yep, I know all the reasons why scale weight is so insignificant in and of itself. Why do I care about a number that does not take into consideration water weight, lean body mass, bloating, how long my hair is, how many children I've birthed, etc. I know that muscle weighs more than fat, so I may be putting on muscle while losing fat, but this will not be reflected in my scale weight. I know that it is not good to lose more than 2 pounds a week (although I know I'd be happy if I did) even though I KNOW that this would likely be the result of losing lean body mass...which I don't want to do. Why oh why do I care what that blasted thing says.
So from now on, I am only weighing in once a week, I will do measurements whenever I feel 'skinnier', instead of getting on the scale. I will test my body fat with my hand held thinga-ma-bob (which incidentally gives me a number 10-11% lower than my evil Tanita scale). I will attend my S.A. meetings (scale addicts). I really should have my DH hide it again, although I find myself constantly wondering where he put it, and I feel challenged to find it just to prove he didn't have a very good hiding spot.
That is soooo funny. I get on the scale EVERY morning without fail, and like you, I just can't help it. I guess I should be thankful that mine doesn't give me any additional details...just the number as is. Fortunately, even with all my B&J's it still continues to hover at the same number. I always think, EVERY MORNING, "man, if I just did SOMETHING right I would lose weight" and then I go have my iced kicker :-)! I love you and you're doing so well--why are we so messed up? Oh, that's right...
I'm kinda similar with BF% testing. If i do it, and it doesn't move, I get depressed enough to fall pretty far from the wagon.
Instead, I use my clothes. If suddenly (over a couple of weeks) they don't fit right, I know it's time to kick my butt into gear and move. It's especially bad when I think all my clothes look awful on me, feel awful, and should just be replaced- which means I've definitely gained 10 pounds, which means that it's time to buck up and realize that, no, my metabolism CAN'T handle pizza two nights a week in combination with sugar cereals and whatever I've been eating lately :)
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