Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Some thoughts

First of all: Note to self; do not shut the car hatch while your head is in the way. It hurts!

Second: Have you ever noticed bumper stickers seem to be attracted only to crappy cars? Why is that? Ever seen a Jaguar, BMW, Lexus etc., with a ton of bumper stickers???

Third: It's a lot easier to get up early if you go to bed early. Duh.


Anonymous said...

Hope your head is ok :-). And, should I take offense that my Sequoia is the proud owner of four bumper stickers? I had never been a fan, but then my love for Kauai got in the way. :-)

Kristen said...

My head still hurts!!

Cute bumper stickers/decoration type of things do not count. It's the political/save the earth and the whales and the trees, and peace on earth...meanwhile I gag and suffocate on the fumes of your gas guzzling crappy car :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I totally get it. I was behind a car the other day that had a sticker that said "F**k you, you f**king f***...Well educated, those ones...

Unknown said...

Regarding your previous blog, I am in awe that for all of these years you had such leisurely mornings. You get super-mom kudos for that, as well as everything else you do well!

Kristen said...

Kelly, I'm thinking you wouldn't see that car at the Library...they probably spend a lot of time at the Purple Parrot.

Kathy, you could also view my previously leisurely mornings as lazy :)

Unknown said...

Lazy, maybe, but you coaxed your kids into cooperating. Excellent!

Unknown said...

Why do my comments have trash cans under them?

Kristen said...

All the comments have trash cans under them...it's not just you Kathy :)

Unknown said...

OK - from this side, only mine show trash cans. If you say I'm not alone, that's good.

Anonymous said...

Kathy, That's so you can delete your comment if you were to suddenly spout off some f***ing s**t...man, I've been driving behind too many people on their way to the Purple Parrot (that's a local dive trashy bar chain here in the valley.)

Unknown said...

This is the first time they've shown up which is why I asked about it. Before I've used the preview option to make sure I hadn't written something best said at the Purple Parrot.

Anonymous said...

LOL. I just love our conversations with ourselves (Kristen included) here and over at Mom and Dad's blog. Have you noticed that we are *so* funny?

Kristen said...

We ARE F****** hilarious!!

Anonymous said...

I knew it wasn't just me. You're a funny son of a b**ch. Man, this is more profanity than I've used since middle school. :-)