Monday, August 4, 2008

Garage sale recovery

I am still recovering from my garage sale adventures on Friday and Saturday. I had NO idea how much work they would be. My parents were an amazing help on Friday...really couldn't have done it without them. We did pretty good, and got rid of a large chunk of our stuff. The rest I am either selling on craigs*list or taking to charity, so hopefully by the end of the week my garage will be nice and clean! I can park my car in it, so I figure that is a good accomplishment!

The big perk in it all was the kid's lemonade stand. My dad brought over a canopy to provide some shade for us to sit under, so I set the kids up under that, and we made signs for the prices of everything (strawberry lemonade, chips, cookies, muffins, coffee), including a sign that said "Disneyland Vacation Fund"...since that is where all the money was going. Maree was a great little salesperson, and since she was dressed as Belle, she was nearly irresistible. My Dad asked Maree if he could buy a bag of chips and asked how much they were, and she says "Five dollas" not dollaRs because she doesn't say her "r"s. My Dad said something to the effect of "boy, that's steep", and she says "Okay, how 'bout 6 dollas". They ended up making.....get ready for won't believe it....ninety-six dollars!! She's got a career in sales coming! I think I might make them start paying rent...have them sit out on the corner every weekend and sell lemonade and cookies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute, and I'm so glad you ALL did so well. xoxox