So if you follow my blog, you know that last month I got a new cell phone for my "birthday". I actually got it at the beginning of the month. We had received one bill which seemed to be at the expected amount. We then added 2 more lines onto our family plan so that my Mom and Dad could each have cell phone. Anyway, the whole purpose of me getting the cell phone I did was to allow me to check emails and my work website if I need to be away from my desk during work hours, or to check up on things on my days off. So today I went online to check on our minutes and such, and to my utter horror I see that the balance due is $837 !!!! Say what? So I look over the charges trying to figure out what went wrong and see that they have billed me $648 for the 64,800 kilobytes of information I downloaded/uploaded or whatever. Um, no, we had purchased an unlimited data plan when we had ordered the phone and phone service (through an outside/discount distributor website). So I call up the friendly AT&T customer service representative to see what the deal was. The very nice gal informs me that I am being charged for the data I'm using, and I inform her that I purchased an unlimited data plan, and she says that they don't show that on the account, and I read her off my order confirmation from the other company (who should have then notified AT&T). Well apparently this other company failed to mentioned the unlimited data plan to AT&T :) . Thankfully, AT&T really does have great customer service and they are reversing the charges and adding the data plan retrospectively. Whew!
I also decided it would be smart to put data blocks (text messaging/email/internet use) on the other 3 lines, which belong to my mother-in-law, Mom, and Dad. It's not likely any of them would need those services, and this will help avoid any unintentional charges. Somehow my mother-in-law's phone had periodically been uploading data, but she has no idea how this has happened, as she only knows how to make and receive phone calls on her phone. All the more reason just to put a block on it. Although it felt a little funny to email my parents and MIL to inform them I had to put a block on their phones...felt like I was the parent and they were the children. To which my very witty father emails back
"But Moooooooooommmmm! Everyone else has text messaging...."
Sorry Dad :)
I love Dad's reply---so funny! I'm so glad you got it resolved, and darn those parents, gotta block them to keep 'em responsible :-).
Yeah block em all - they are nothing but trouble them parents!! How are you chicky poo? I am doing good - keeping bUSY!!! Drop by my blog to catch up with me sometime :)'s reply was great! I love receipts and good customer service. Praise the Lord they took those charges off for you. Phew!
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